
Advisory Commission on the return of cultural property seized as a result of Nazi persecution, especially Jewish property

The independent Advisory Commission on the return of cultural property seized as a result of Nazi persecution, especially Jewish property, was established in 2003 by the Federation, Länder and national associations of local authorities to mediate in case of disputes over the restitution of Nazi-confiscated cultural property.

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Newsletter, December 2023 - N°17

INTRO A message from Lord Parkinson of Whitley Bay, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Arts and Heritage and DCMS Lords Minister; Introduction by Rt Hon Sir Donnell Deeny, Chairman of the United Kingdom Spoliation Advisory Panel
NEWS The Commission for the Compensation of Victims of Spoliation (CIVS) welcomes its new director; Publication of the 2022 CIVS Activity Report; Painting Landscape with a Waterfall is returned to Gosschalk’s heirs; Appointment of New Chair and Committee Member for the Dutch Restitutions Committee; Byzantine ivory relief returns to heirs of partners Kunsthaus A.S. Drey; The Commission for Provenance Research on a Visit at the Museum of Military History/Military History Institute; Portraits, Drawings, Photos, and a Spectacular Prayer Book: Four Recommendations by the Art Restitution Advisory Board; New entries released in the Lexicon of Austrian Provenance Research; Memorandum from the members of the Advisory Commission; Report of the Spoliation Advisory Panel on La Ronde Enfantine by Goustave Courbet
REPORT NMDC Nazi-era Provenance Research Training at The Victoria & Albert Museum; A new bilateral meeting bringing together the French deliberative college and the Austrian Advisory Board
ARTICLE A bill concerning the restitution of cultural property spoliated as a result of anti-Semitic persecution between 1933 and 1945 has been voted
CASE STUDIES The Fate of Albert Pollak and his Collection: A Special Exhibition at the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna; Restitution of Anton Romako's watercolour study "Reclining hunting dog"; From Freudenthal to Vienna: On the restitution of a fortepiano to the Teutonic Order

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Recommendations 13.06.2023

Recommendation of the Advisory Commission in the case of the heirs of Hedwig Lewenstein Weyermann und Irma Lewenstein Klein v. Bayerische Landesbank

The Advisory Commission on the return of cultural property seized as a result of Nazi persecution, especially Jewish property, chaired by Prof. Hans-Jürgen Papier, decided on 16 May 2023 in the case of the heirs of Hedwig Lewenstein Weyermann and Irma Lewenstein Klein versus Bayerische Landesbank, to recommend the restitution of the painting Das bunte Leben by Wassily Kandinsky to the heirs of Hedwig Lewenstein Weyermann and Irma Lewenstein Klein.

  1. The subject of the proceedings is the painting Das bunte Leben [The Colorful Life] (1907) by Wassily Kandinsky (1866–1944), tempera on canvas, measuring 130 cm x 163 cm x 2.2 cm.

    The painting was acquired by the Bayerische Landesbank in 1972 and has since been on loan to the Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus and the Kunstbau in Munich (FH 225). The claimants are the heirs after heirs of Hedwig Lewenstein Weyermann and Irma Lewenstein Klein.

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